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The new CEO of a regional branch of Catholic Charities had been on the job for less than a month when he first interacted with the organization’s Christmas Program.
During a meeting of information security (infosec) experts, Antisnatchor attacked Azeria for tweeting photos of attendees.
Ryan had just moved from Southern California to Kansas and was settling in for his first real winter.
The 416 Fire burned over 50,000 acres near Durango, Colorado in the summer of 2018. The fire caused evacuations. Employees were furloughed.
Hantz Woodlands, LLC, is a startup company, a social enterprise in Detroit, and the world’s largest urban farm.
Most deans, faculty, students, and other stakeholders agree that we need more ethics and social responsibility content in our business school curriculums. That is not news.
Snider Fleet Services is a medium sized firm that provided tire retreading, truck fleet services, off-road and industrial tires to customers in the Southeast United States.
Dwelling House Savings and Loans (DHSL) was dealing with the aftermath of the financial crisis that hit the Hill District community.
Hooters, America’s first and most influential breastaurant chain (a restaurant with waitresses in revealing uniforms), had endured – but also embraced – criticisms of its image for decades.
On January 1, 2013, Abbott Laboratories, one of the most recognized American pharmaceutical companies, split itself into two companies: Abbott and AbbVie Inc.
The Colombia Conundrum case recounts the evolution of a US business school’s internationalization strategy.
This paper highlights the role of nonprofit organizations in communicating risk.
There are significant social and psychological differences between military veterans and nonveterans (Hicks, Weiss, Coll, and McDonald 2017).
Among many modern trends reflecting shifts in the way consumers satisfy their needs is the rising popularity of consumption modes based on renting, lending, leasing, and/or sharing.
This paper provides a synthesis of the recent literature related to corporate ownership issues and theoretical models of corporate and industry interactions linked through common ownership by ins
This article seeks to acknowledge fear as a strong presence in the workforce by identifying from whence it comes.
In principle, a business ought to thrive when its leaders make good plans (plans that provide for compensation greater than the risk implied in those plans), and its people bring those plans to f
Review of Business: Interdisciplinary Journal on Risk and Society is published twice a year ISSN: 0034-6454 The Peter J. Tobin College of Business St.
This study analyzes the role institutions have in shaping incentives within the shark fin market.
An insider is a person that has or had a legitimate right to access computing resources of an organization.