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Teaching Notes
Wal-Mart was becoming a key provider of financial services to millions of US low-income consumers at the fringes of the traditional banking industry.
Late in 2014, singer Neil Young issued a social media message calling for a boycott of Starbucks.
In January 2011, Starbucks made an arrangement with Tata Global Beverages to purchase and roast premium coffee beans at a new facility in southern India.
By 2011 analysts and journalists were buzzing about why Starbucks had been so timid with its entry into India. After all, Starbucks had over 17,000 stores worldwide in 55 countries.
Leslie Thompson started a western boot business based on her idea of an interchangeable decorative inlay, visible through a patterned opening in the boot shaft.
The Downtown Development Corporation (DDC) in Fletcher, NE was a non-profit organization that organized events in downtown Fletcher, a small community that underwent a downtown revitalization.
Building upon our past “From the Editor” articles that focused on cases in the classroom (Peters, Cellucci, and Ford, 2015; Cellucci, Peters, and Woodruff, 2015), the purpose of this article is t
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 9 (Fall 2016). Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
We envision and propose a Jesuit “knowledge network” to facilitate the work of building a transformative Jesuit business education through vibrant and ongoing global dialogue.
Reflection is a fundamental component of Ignatian pedagogy linking action and experience to learning. Developing skills of reflection will support students’ current learning.
Research shows that Millennial students learn differently (Rivera and Huertas, 2006, Pinder-Grover and Groscurth, 2009, Novotney, 2010, Bart, 2011, Nevid, 2011).
Team SōPOD, a student-lead business startup, was required to follow Lean Startup Methodologies and utilize the Business Model Canvas to validate their business idea.
Teakoe was relatively young, start-up tea manufacturer, located in Denver, Colorado.
After the Major League Baseball’s (MLB’s) 2011 season, a report surfaced that Ryan Braun of the Milwaukee Brewers had tested positive for use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), a violation of
A student in a Health Care Management course goes on a tirade by verbally criticizing the course and the way the course is taught.
This case describes first lieutenant Mike Dawson’s experience during his U.S.
In May 2013, the New Orleans Times-Picayune’s (T-P) executive management made the decision to print the newspaper three days a week and distribute the remaining news content digitally via a speci
The Air Zoo, an aviation museum located in southwest Michigan, is approaching its 30th anniversary and is faced with declining attendance and thus not meeting its financial goals.
Thus, for this issue, our “From the Editors” article focuses on points made during the workshops.
In 2015, Ohio’s Governor Kasich proposed a budget that would reduce the state’s income tax for both businesses and individual taxpayers.