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Teaching Notes
This critical incident describes an ethical and legal dilemma faced by the owner of a small, local retailer.
Terrance Lau was the program manager of the Campus Network Refresh, a major program to upgrade network connectivity of the Mountainside State University (MSU).
The critical incident considers how innovative business models deployed by new entrants have the potential to serve as agents of disruptive or discontinuous change.
This critical incident describes a situation faced by Meghan Farren, Chief Marketing Officer for KFC in the UK.
Ford Motor Company’s unexpected purchase of the historic Michigan Central Station is a critical incident designed to evaluate a major CSR-based investment decision.
One of the most significant challenges educators face is making material relevant to students.
Early in 2017, and after just six months as CEO, Tim Mohin considered options to support the recent structural changes at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the global leader in standard-sett
Danny Howard had been a soil-grown farmer who learned the concepts and techniques of aquaponics from a lecture in an agricultural class in his late fifties.
Davenport was one of the first cities in Iowa to have riverboat gambling in the early 1990s.
This case involves a study of a potential market entry into China.
Our world changes around each person, each business, each community, each nation, each region of the world.
Earl’s Cyclery and Fitness (Earl’s), located in Burlington, Vermont, is a specialty retailer in bicycles, accessories, and fitness equipment.
Epitomax Nutrition (EN), the sports nutrition market leader, is faced with both an opportunity and a challenge.
This critical incident describes a marketing decision faced by Elon Musk of Tesla.
This is the full preview of the Winter 2020 Journal of Critical Incidents. Individual CIs with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Volume 37 Issue 3. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
In the last decade, Silicon Valley and its leading innovators were touted as creating a more enlightened and connected world through an approach to technological and business disruption summarize

In this video case, Tyler Shultz recounts his experience as a recent college graduate in 2014 at Theranos, a medical technology start-up.
On January 1, 2013, Abbott Laboratories, one of the most recognized American pharmaceutical companies, split itself into two companies: Abbott and AbbVie Inc.
The Colombia Conundrum case recounts the evolution of a US business school’s internationalization strategy.