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In July 2017, Sarah Cattoor and her husband, Ryan Greening, were less than a month away from opening their new breakfast café in West Des Moines, Iowa.
American Eagle (AE) decided to test the waters and offer a denim hijab made with soft denim fabric in an indigo wash on its website in July 2017.
This critical incident discusses the challenges Jay LaShombe, owner of Beansie’s Bus, faced trying to attract new, younger customers to his Burlington, Vermont food truck.
This critical incident describes a situation in which Jane, a loyal McDonald’s drive-thru customer, was frustrated after finding out how little McDonald’s actually donates to their name-sake char
This critical incident describes a situation in which Sarah, a frustrated Delta customer, spent over 16 hours stranded in the airport due to flight cancellations because of a Delta technology fai
Sylvia Wright, owner of a local Hallmark card shop, had just read a newspaper article announcing the closing of another location in a neighboring county.
This decision-oriented critical incident addresses potential legal and marketing conflicts in the restaurant industry based on claims of superior food or of inferior competitor products.
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) focused on improvement of football (known as soccer in the U.S.) and organized international soccer competitions, including the World
Country Crock spread (a butter substitute made by Unilever) had changed its recipe to meet increasing consumer pressures for healthy food products.
Dennis Chandler, the incoming president of the Blue Line Hockey Booster Club (BLC) faced a challenging situation.
To celebrate the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan’s induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame, the grocery store chain Jewel-Osco was considering an advertisement in a commemorative ed
This critical incident describes the social media response of some customers when they believed a Happy Meal’s Minion toy was saying the expletive, “What the f@#k?” In July of 2015, McDonald’s re
Danielle O’Reilly was frustrated. She paid for a massage several weeks ago and was really looking forward to it.