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Teaching Notes
Bill Smith was the long-time owner/operator/CEO of Measurement Equipment Supply Company, Inc.
Spirit Airlines, known for its low airfare and its controversial promotions, ran a June 2010 web promotion that instructed viewers to “Check Out the Oil on Our Beaches.” The promotion ran only a
Teresa Sullivan had just started her position as President at the University of Virginia (UVA). One of her highest priorities was to decide what to do with Ted Genoways.
Charles German was recently elected as Chair of the Homelessness Task Force for Kansas City. Kansas City currently had no strategy for dealing with the homeless.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) was founded in 1998 with the mission of enhancing the distinctiveness of Jesuit business schools and related programs through an ongoing exchange of
This paper begins with an explanation of the Ignatian Pedagogical Model and its relationship to Service Learning (SL).
This paper acknowledges that there is a specifically Jesuit dimension of leadership.
In order to elaborate on what I believe should be distinctive about a business education pursued under the name Jesuit I will take the subject in three directions.
Business engagement with impoverished consumers as a distinct strategy option was rarely considered until recently, as the impoverished market segment was typically evaluated as having little to contr
The discussion at this year’s conference seems to be premised on the thought that business has become globalized but business education—and specifically business education at Jesuit institutions—has n
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 4 (Fall 2011). Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
I have selected “Advancing the Common Good” and the role of justice and markets as my subject because of the many divergent views that can be raised concep- tually and practically about them, and beca
The so-called “ethics crisis” in the United States and around the globe is so obvious that WorldCom, Enron, Arthur Andersen, and HealthSouth have become household names.
We engage in business in order to fulfill human needs for goods and services.
Ignatius Loyola was a teacher. We know this from his life work. We know this from his legacy of education which to this day sets a benchmark for excellence.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 3, 2010. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This is the full preview of the Business Case Journal - Volume 16, Issue 1 (Fall/Winter, 2008/2009). Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 2, 2009. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.