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Teaching Notes
In response to calls from leaders in Jesuit business education, Accounting faculty from across the globe have joined to reimagine introductory Accounting courses.
This document provides a set of teaching resources, including questions, discussion points and instructor notes for incorporating Jesuit perspectives and values in the classroom. These resources
There is mounting evidence that technology and automation are contributing to increasing income inequality.
Privacy is not a new concept and definitions continue to take shape. Generally speaking, privacy refers to the right to be left alone.
Generally, ethical issues involve a choice between value systems -- an individual's, an organization's, and/or society's.
This category is generated from the recognition that there is a great deal of information generated by organizations in the global economy that can be used for the betterment of society.
Algorithmic bias is a term that describes the fact that computer programs that use machine learning can be discriminatory, or unfair.
Angelo (the protagonist of this case) has agreed to take the lead in finalizing the plans for an event (the Friday Gala) that is being held as part of a college class reunion.
Strings for Hope was started by a woman who discovered food insecurity in her middle-class community.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Volume 38 Issue 2. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
After a terrorist attack at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Apple received immense public pressure to comply with the FBI’s request to assist in unlocking the encrypted iPhone of the attacker.
The Coronavirus / COVID-19 crisis of 2020 resulted government restrictions on travel, accompanied by a public loss of confidence in the safety of air transport, all of which led quickly to a decl
2020: Writing Case Studies in Changing Times
Bradley W. Brooks, Queens University of Charlotte
Britt M. Shirley, The University of Tampa
Leading sports apparel and shoe brands pay large sums of money to sponsor collegiate athletic teams in hopes of gaining significant exposure.
As part of the Personal Taxation course Vivian took at her university, she was required to volunteer in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, an IRS program that funds local organiz
Amy Hill had hiked to the top of her 44-acre property with her six-year-old son and was having second thoughts about starting a woman-owned small seasonal business, Creekside Maple Syrup.
Barney, recent accounting graduate, was employed as an internal auditor with Slate Financial Services, an investment firm.