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Alix had considered her city’s downtown a gem and her investment in a hotel there a home run.
Boris Johnson, former mayor of London and Prime Minister of Great Britain, was a powerful even “rebellious” politician with seven children born to three wives and a mistress (Shone, 2022).
This Critical Incident requires that students identify and assess the various risks associated with a personal financial decision.
In July 2019, a Ransomware attack on the Springhill Medical Center in Mobile, Alabama resulted in Springhill having to shut down their network for nearly eight days due to the attack.
Destiny or Fate: The GJCS and SCR Perfect Fit
Stellern, M. Rockhurst University
Joseph, J, Lemoyne College
Craig Davis, Ohio University
The SDG Dashboard is a collaborative data analytics platform designed to assist higher education institutions in reporting and sharing
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
Ignatian Pedagogy has not merely survived, but thrived over its 400-plus years of history.
The ascendancy of data-enabled decision making in nearly all human endeavors makes it necessary to ensure the benefits are inclusive and that no particular section of society is excluded.
From Angelica Farfan and Monica Bernal of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, this resource includes four reporting-focused modules on social, environmental, and corporate governance of an organiza
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies - Volume 40, Issue 1. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
For $500 million annually, Facebook contracts Accenture PLC to moderate content that violates its Terms of Service and is not caught by artificial intelligence.
Robinhood, an online trading platform, has revolutionized the trading industry by the incorporation of payment for order flow (PFOF).
Kristen earned a good reputation as a hairdresser in Cambridge City, Indiana, because of her high professionalism and dedication to her career.