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Teaching Notes
Do our actions model a genuine commitment to global sustainability? Or do they belie that spoken commitment?
This article reviews the problematic surrounding the concept of future generations, which is intertwined with questions concerning intergenerational justice, weak sustainability, non-existence, n
This paper describes recent concerns with management education and offers the Economy of Communion (EoC) Model as an example that maybe used in management education programs to illustrate a spiri
The Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought at the University of St.
Ignatius Loyola mastered the art of creativity with an effective use of the imagination which he commends to his followers.
Hammerhead Systems (HS) evolved from the incubator stage inside a venture capitalist (VC) firm.
Spirit Airlines, known for its low airfare and its controversial promotions, ran a June 2010 web promotion that instructed viewers to “Check Out the Oil on Our Beaches.” The promotion ran only a
Charles German was recently elected as Chair of the Homelessness Task Force for Kansas City. Kansas City currently had no strategy for dealing with the homeless.
Idaho State University (ISU) Credit Union went into 2008 strongly capitalized and financially sound.
Laird Jennings, a long time senior software engineer at Circle 6 Corporation became increasingly concerned about his future employment due to a series of events that threatened the survival of th
Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) was founded in 1998 with the mission of enhancing the distinctiveness of Jesuit business schools and related programs through an ongoing exchange of
This paper begins with an explanation of the Ignatian Pedagogical Model and its relationship to Service Learning (SL).
The discussion at this year’s conference seems to be premised on the thought that business has become globalized but business education—and specifically business education at Jesuit institutions—has n
This study of Jesuit business schools/programs finds that there are differences between Jesuit business education and business education at other religiously affil- iated, or non-religiously affiliate
I am neither a scholar of business, nor an academic.
When we started Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE), we decided to address four general themes that could infuse the Jesuit mission into business education: (1) faith/spirituality, (2) serv