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Starbucks Corporation is facing a dilemma with a group of employees in Buffalo, New York attempting to form a union in response to compensation and working conditions.
Untenured faculty member, Raymond Patrick, exited a meeting with Frank Burns, School of Management Assistant Director at Bay State University (BSU). Patrick had now reached a breaking point.
Jada Williamson had been working for Dawson Financial for the past 15 years as Director of Human Resources.
The Norwegian team garnered 39 medals during the Winter 2018 Olympics, more than any other nation in Olympic history.
FullContact was a technology company whose core values included being “awesome with people.” This was reflected in the mission of the business and guided the manner in which the organization stri
In April 2008, small particles of glass were discovered during a quality control check at Boston Beer Company’s Cincinnati brewery.
In response to employee requests, Tony Treanor, Director of Human Resources at Northwestern Counseling & Support Services (NCSS), was faced with making an important policy decision about perm
This decision based critical incident describes Sam Cooper’s dilemma of whether to continue working at his family’s business where he had for ten years, or to instead accept an offer to become an
This critical incident concerns a middle aged man employed as an adjunct baking instructor at a small community college who is expecting an advancement to a full time position.
On the flight back to his home station, Captain Jack Thompson pondered his choices. He had to make the decision now because his unit was about to deploy to Afghanistan.
In this article, we discuss the importance of human assets in growing and scaling a social venture in order to achieve its objectives and attain financial sustainability.