The 2021 CJBE Annual Meeting 
in conjunction with
The 26th Annual IAJBS World Forum

The Future of Jesuit Business Education: Serving the World with Inspired Business Education
July 20-22, 2021 / A Virtual Conference 

2021 Call for Papers
Abstract submission deadline - Extended to April 30, 2021


The event's website is:

Your user name is your email address and the password is ITESO2021


Pandemic.  2020 began with the worldwide spread of Covid-19, a respiratory disease that has infected over thirty-three million persons worldwide and resulted in over one million deaths (as of September 2020).  The pandemic shut down entire economies, including education systems. Jesuit business schools worldwide moved their classes online to reduce person-to-person contact.  As of fall 2020, half of Jesuit business schools in the United States are offering online-only learning.


A New Paradigm.  At the same time, Jesuit business schools were facing pandemic-related challenges, the International Association of Jesuit Universities released a white paper titled An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education. The Inspirational Paradigm chronicles the many serious challenges facing the world (even before the pandemic), including the exclusion of many persons from the benefits of the market economy, an expanding wealth gap, and poverty. The Inspirational Paradigm calls on Jesuit business schools to help address these challenges and build opportunities for positive change. It states that our responsibility is twofold:


To generate new knowledge that informs and transforms the way business is conducted through their research; and


To help raise awareness and provide a framework for reflection on the role each student plays in being part of the solution, and to support students and faculty as they develop concrete strategies for becoming part of the solution to these challenging issues.


Call for Papers

All papers that respond to the conference theme are welcome.  We are particularly interested in papers that reflect on the many challenges—and corresponding opportunities—facing Jesuit business education in the current context.  Below are some example topics:

1. Recognizing the turbulent world (i.e., pandemic, furthering social justice) in which we find ourselves, papers that examine the uniqueness of Jesuit business education, and why it is particularly well suited for facing these challenges.  Such papers could address:

(a) pedagogy—why is Ignatian pedagogy well suited for a turbulent world?

(b) collaboration—what advantage does the network of Jesuit business schools provide, and how can it be leveraged to help calm a turbulent world?  How can technology further collaboration?

2.  Papers on traditional topics of interest to CJBE participants:

a)   exploring how technology can further pedagogy or collaboration

b) examining how Jesuit business schools can implement the Inspirational Paradigm.

c) Ignatian pedagogy generally.

d) leadership, especially at Jesuit business schools.

e) cases that can be adopted by professors.

Process For Submitting Papers for Presentation at the 2022 CJBE Conference

Extended to April 30, 2021—Proposals due.  Proposals should be short (500 words) for papers or cases.  All proposals are to be submitted electronically via the submission link

Papers will be subject to single-blind review.

If your paper was accepted for presentation at the 2020 CJBE Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, and you elected to have it held over to the 2021 CJBE Conference, please resubmit using the link above.

If your proposal or paper is accepted, further instructions will follow.


Publication Opportunity

The proceedings of the CJBE Conference are not published.  However, you may request that your paper also be considered for publication in the Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE).  Further information is below:


About the Journal of Jesuit Business Education.  JJBE is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).  JJBE is dedicated to the distribution of scholarly work and commentary with a focus on the distinctiveness of business education in the Jesuit tradition.

Submission Guidelines for JJBE.  Your full papers (not just proposal) must be submitted to Stephen Porth, Senior Editor of JJBE at [email protected]

Your paper must be original, not previously published, nor under consideration at another journal.   

The deadline to submit papers will be October 15, 2021.

Papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. 

Acceptance for publication will be decided by the Editorial Board of JJBE upon the reviewers’ recommendation.

Accepted papers will appear in Volume 12 of JJBE which will be available in Summer 2022.