BILBAO   - 2018 July 5-8


(achievement in progress)



Conference address: Garate Room (Deusto University)

DEUSTO Contact: Alex Rayón ([email protected]) and Irantzu Ruiz ([email protected])



Thursday 5

In the Afternoon :Welcoming by the Task Force members

Tools and documents : Detailed agenda + Universities Map + Attendees list with pictures + Badges with Group number + DEUSTO information + City map

On line documents : conference papers + Posters + Tools and documents

5:00 pm :Welcoming in DEUSTO University

by Asier Perallos (Dean at Deusto Engineering) and Alex Rayón (Associate Dean at Deusto Engineering)

Why are we here? and for what?

by Olivier Du BOURBLANC

6:00 pm :Visit of Deusto Engineering (FabLab, Labs, DeustoTech, etc.)

Pilot : Alex Rayón ([email protected])

7:30 pm :Dinner



Friday 6

8:30 am :Welcoming - coffee

9:00 am :Introduction “Training on Large engineering issues (Cities, Energy…) by Marcelo PAVANELO - Facilitator

Large engineering issues will be exposed with reflexions on several  levels:

- Great outlines of the evolutions and challenges for this issue

- Anthropology, social modeling and implications attached to the technical options

- Orientations choosen in our Jesuit Engineering School Research program and  Pedagogy

- Examples of learning situations

CITIES [Talk + questions & reactions = 40mn max]

by Jose Luis GUTTIEREZ - Director Departamento de Architectura, urbanismo e ingenieria civil - IBERO Mexico

“At the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Civil Engineering at the Universidad

Iberoamericana Ciudad de México we are committed not only to the generation of

knowledge, but also to its application and we therefore assume the urgent challenge of contributing to the construction of a new paradigm where social and environmental responsibilities are a central concern and a guarantee of improved living conditions...


9:40 amENERGY [Talk + questions & reactions = 40mn]

by Dr Pablo FRIAS MARIN - PhD Electrical Engineering -  Deputy Director at Institute for Research in Technology  ICAI - Madrid

A review of the future challenges of energy systems will be presented: (i) needs research, with a review of ongoing projects addressing these challenges at the Institute for Research in Technology; (ii) needs academic transfer, how master & graduate courses have adapted and incorporated lessons learnt.

10:20 amBUSINESS, FACTORY 4.0 & Data analytics

[Talk 25mn+ 15mn questions & reactions = 40mn max]

by Alex Rayon Jerez - Vice President International Relation DEUSTO  - Doctor en Informática y Telecomunicaciones, habiendo desarrollado su tesis doctoral en el área de Big Data y Business Intelligence.

Obviously, our engineers of the future will have to deal with the era of big datas. The economic world, the business, the factories will be ruled by an increasing role of the AI and always more ultra-connected devices and processes.”

11:00 am :“Who are we?” + Break

by Pierre with Google Map

Break with presentation posters mapping

11:30 am : Introduction 2nd theme “ Technical case studies”.

by Marcelo PAVANELO - Facilitator

Concrete scientific/technical cases will be exposed with reflexions on several  levels:

- Responsability of our jesuit research institutions facing ecological stakes, social models and potential risks attached to the use of technologies

- The way we train our engineering students facing such complex issues

"Radiations and health"

by Fr. John ROSE - [Speech + questions & reactions = 30mn]

“Electro Magnetic Radiation, due to lack of political will both from the State and Federal Governments for the past 15 years or so, has been posing a frightening ecological and health hazards to more than 1.3 billion Indian population. There are at least five hundred thousand powerful cell towers, excluding repeaters and boosters, installed all over the country for about one billion mobile phone subscribers…”

12:10 am :“Alternative building materials from waste”

[Speech + questions & reactions = 30mn]

by Fernando SILVA - [Speech + questions & reactions = 40mn]

“Sugarcane Waste, demolition materials waste… for a circular economy”

1:00 pm :Break - Lunch at Collegio Major

3:00 pm :Introduction 3rd theme “Humanities training”

by Father Alphonse MANICKAM

“How to prepare engineers leaders for societal changes”

by Yann FERGUSON - Icam - [Talk + questions & reactions = 40mn max]

“With the background of the integral ecology, discern in the complexity and among paradoxal parameters, taking decisions and assume risks, produce sense for the action…”reflexions from the Icam training program.

3:40 pm :“Innovative pedagogy to mix Engineering and social justice”

by Gail BAURA - LUC - [Talk + questions & reactions = 40mn max]

“In Loyola Chicago’s BS Engineering Science program, engineering and social justice are naturally intertwined. In this contribution, we present specific program components related to social justice…”

4:20 pm :Break (in the posters exhibition place)

4:50 pm :“The Ignatian approach to engineering”

[Talk 25mn+ 15mn questions & reactions = 40mn max]

by Aleksandar Zecevic - Associate Dean for graduate programs - PhD in Electrical Engineering

“This talk will focus on the distinctiveness of Jesuit education, and how that pertains to engineering. Special emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinarity and the notion of "educating the whole person", which has its roots in the Renaissance ideals that St. Ignatius embraced. As a case study, we will examine a course on science and religion that embodies these ideals, and has been offered at Santa Clara University and a number of Jesuit schools in India and South America.”

5:30 pm :In small group (5/5)   Rooms :

Pilot :

“What does it mean for the engineers and for our JES?”

What are the new skills and outcomes required for the future?

Which kinds of learning situations can offer a good preparation for these outcomes?

6:30 pm : End of period

7:30  pm :Toward Festive dinner in the old town with traditional food


10:00 pm :Bilbao by night



Saturday 7

8:15 am :Eucharist

by Pello Azpitarte S.J. (Deusto Campus Director)

9:00 am :Opening on the second day

by Alex Rayón (Associate Dean at Deusto Engineering)

9:10 am :Becoming an engineer within a Jesuit University : which specificities ?”

by Fr. Jose Maria GUIBERT (to be confirmed)

Vision of the place of engineering schools in the mission of the jesuit universities

Their specific contribution to address the actual IAJU priority issues.

Seeking for a new generation of engineers facing the “laudato si” challenges

skills to develop, “hungers to feed”

9:45 am :“Engineers for a societal change”

by Gaël GIRAUD - Jésuite, Chef économiste de l’Agence Française de Développement

11:15 am :Break (in the posters exhibition place)


11:45 am :“Concrete collaboration paths”

by Lars OLSON - Marquette University

A Future for IAJES in the Americas: Research, Education, Exchange, and Development to Address Societal Needs. Paths proposals.

12:15 am :Logistic - Informations

1:15 pm :Lunch at Collegio Major

2:30 pm :Introduction of the themes and speakers

by Olivier Du BOURBLANC

“How to operate fruitful synergy between IAJU and IAJES?”

by Fr. Michaël GARANZINI

How IAJU will facilitate cooperations between Jesuit Engineering Schools? How IAJES can add genuine contribution and efficiency in the global strategy and become a real support for each Engineering school?

3:00 pm :Introduction to the creativity sequence in small group

The future will be built according to our reflexions, agreements and decisions.

“What do I desire, what do I see as priorities, what do I propose as collaboration initiatives and means?

If I confirm the IAJES project, which steps for the coming year? Objectives for the steering committee? Am I ready to contribute and in which ways? Which theme for the next conference? In which place?

4:00 pm :Pooling of productions in plenary sessions and deliberation

5:00 pm :Conclusion by Fr GARANZINI

5:30 pm :Break (in the posters exhibition place)

6:00 pm :Task Force and other volunteers contributors

Elaboration of the next stages & steering committee to pilot them

7:30 pm :Dinner

Sunday 8

10:00 am :Sunday Mass / Guggenheim Museum


12:30 am :Lunch in town