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We are proud to say that the first special issue of the Business Case Journal (BCJ, Volume 31, Issue 2) was published in Winter of 2024.
The purpose of this study was to identify potential clusters of academic institutions and individuals who are advancing the writing and publication of cases within the Society of Case Research.
Case writers typically recognize the importance of opening a case study with a compelling hook that engages the reader.
This case study explores the application of data visualization techniques in business analytics, using the scenario of Bradley Moore, a real estate agent, assisting Vanessa Francello, a recent MBA
Accelera is a software-focused company based in Seattle that is faced with an increasingly competitive market for its products in the IT space.
The ability to tell stories has been identified as a “universal human trait” that exists in various forms within all cultures in the world (Yong, 2017, p. 2).
Ride-sharing giant Uber Technologies, Inc. has begun using algorithms to employ dynamic pricing strategies, popularly known as surge pricing.
This business school case study explores Microsoft Corporation’s investment in a start-up called OpenAI, along with the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence on the company’s operations and
This module aims to help the students apply the NLP methods to real text datasets for business insights – the coding component.
This module focuses on teaching students the rationale and mathematical foundation of advanced natural language processing (NLP) methods – the theory component.
In July 2019, a Ransomware attack on the Springhill Medical Center in Mobile, Alabama resulted in Springhill having to shut down their network for nearly eight days due to the attack.
Destiny or Fate: The GJCS and SCR Perfect Fit
Stellern, M. Rockhurst University
Joseph, J, Lemoyne College
Craig Davis, Ohio University
The SDG Dashboard is a collaborative data analytics platform designed to assist higher education institutions in reporting and sharing
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
The ascendancy of data-enabled decision making in nearly all human endeavors makes it necessary to ensure the benefits are inclusive and that no particular section of society is excluded.
For $500 million annually, Facebook contracts Accenture PLC to moderate content that violates its Terms of Service and is not caught by artificial intelligence.
This document provides a set of teaching resources, including questions, discussion points and instructor notes for incorporating Jesuit perspectives and values in the classroom. These resources
There is mounting evidence that technology and automation are contributing to increasing income inequality.
Privacy is not a new concept and definitions continue to take shape. Generally speaking, privacy refers to the right to be left alone.