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Teaching Notes
Talon started Bergen House, a craft mead brewery in Connecticut. After surviving the Covid-19 pandemic, he wanted to grow his business.
Accelera is a software-focused company based in Seattle that is faced with an increasingly competitive market for its products in the IT space.
Many communities in the United States have downtown business districts in need of revitalization. One example of a highly successful revitalization effort is Tupelo, Mississippi.
Dean Rolland wanted to mark his tenure with a significant leadership, transforming his university to a waste to energy hub for the surrounding cities and contribute to the sustainability practice
Peer review of research is a standard in academe, and yet researchers receive little to no training related to the peer-review process.
The first Ikinari Steak location in the United States opened in Manhattan’s East Village in February 2017.
Pizza originated in seventeenth-century Naples, Italy, where it became a mainstay for the poor.
This case study focuses on the success of Felipe Lopez as the CEO of companies in a medium-sized city in Colombia.
Shake Shack’s leadership found itself in a difficult situation when, after initially accepting $10 million in PPP (Payroll Protection Program) funds early in the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, t
Early in 2017, and after just six months as CEO, Tim Mohin considered options to support the recent structural changes at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the global leader in standard-sett
Garthen Leslie was thrust into the public spotlight after inventing a smartphone application that could control and monitor the operation of window air conditioners.
Epitomax Nutrition (EN), the sports nutrition market leader, is faced with both an opportunity and a challenge.
This descriptive case is a captivating story of Russia’s No.
Tessy Ann, una PyME de la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, tenía la oportunidad de ser proveedor de una compañía global.
Fabrizio Pampini, propietario de Industrias Pampini, luego de haber entregado en sucesión la empresa a sus hijos, decidió regresar a tomar el mando por una serie de acontecimientos propiciados po
En agosto de 2018 Etelvina Abanto, directora general de la empresa “Comercializadora de mercancía Siglo XXII, S.A. de C.V.” localizada en México, se encontraba reunida con su equipo gerencial.
A inicios de mayo de 2018, Guadalupe Rebel se encontraba en las oficinas de la empresa “SBME, S.A. de C.V.”.
Colchones Eldorado era una empresa colombiana dedicada a la fabricación, comercialización y distribución de productos para el buen dormir.
El 25 de enero de 2014 se realizó la primera Junta Directiva del año de Cosméticos de la Naturaleza., empresa ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia.