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Teaching Notes
This is one of several resources from a larger set of instructional materials from IAJBS.
Fast Fashion companies, including H&M, have grown considerably since the 1990s by satisfying consumers’ insatiable appetite for the latest fashionable trends at low prices.
This study compares learning outcomes, for an undergraduate statistics course, of traditional sections versus a section based on the Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm (IPP section).
Healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospitals) contribute to the growth of an economy. In many cases, hospitals are the largest employers in their communities.
The Economy of Communion (EoC) is a worldwide entrepreneurial movement which sees the person, rather than profit, as the most important focus of business.
In the last decade, Silicon Valley and its leading innovators were touted as creating a more enlightened and connected world through an approach to technological and business disruption summarize
An ad for Qiaobi laundry gel balls sparked outrage in media all over the globe including Australia, New Zealand, France, Hong Kong, the U.K., and the United States.
This descriptive case is a captivating story of Russia’s No.
The Norwegian team garnered 39 medals during the Winter 2018 Olympics, more than any other nation in Olympic history.
The University of Surrey has filed multiple patents in the United Kingdom on behalf of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Robot, Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified Sentience (DABUS).
Google subsidiary, YouTube, has collected data of children users without the consent of parents and then sold the data to advertisers.
IndusAb era una empresa de origen holandés fabricante de embalaje industrial con presencia en más de 30 países.
En octubre de 2017 Raúl González, CEO y COO (Chief Executive Officer y Chief Operations Officer) de la empresa Sparevack, dedicada a la manufactura de partes originales para líneas de empaque al
Desde sus orígenes a finales del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, el presente caso muestra las etapas por las que ha transitado una saga de emprendedores de la provincia de Huelva (España), la fami
Mehdi Yasef era un joven francés de 26 años. Nació en Marsella y provenía de una familia de clase media, de origen tunecino.
En marzo de 2012, Christian Rodríguez, Christian Picard y Guillermo Gaspart fundaron la startup Byhours en Barcelona con una nueva idea: vender estancias diurnas en hoteles para vivir unas horas
Este caso se desarrolla en el contexto de la crisis agraria española de finales del siglo XIX.
This critical incident is about a strategic marketing decision.
In this decision case, students are asked to grasp the magnitude and scope of the global refugee crisis. Pope Francis has identified the crisis as the worst crisis facing humanity since WWII.