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Teaching Notes
Surviving the Anthropocene: A Guide to Building Resilience and Thriving
Sustainability Ethics: Common Good Values for a Better World
Sustainability Beyond 2030: Trajectories and Priorities for Our Sustainable Future
Sustainability Leadership: Theories, Paradigms, and Practices for Emerging Value-Leaders.
Developing Sustainability in Organizations: A Values-Based Approach
The Value of Sewa: Selfless Service in Education for Sustainable Citizenship
The Common Good Value of Collective Wellbeing
Conscious Sustainability Leadership: A New Paradigm for Next Generation Leaders
A Common Good Mindset: An Integrated Model for Sustainability and Leadership Management Education
This applied research focused on the development of a mental framework model based on anintrapersonal reflection. Development of the mental framework model required three stages –
The Student Activities Council (SAC) at Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) serves as the official representative body of students, established in 2020-21.
Brujula Etica is a podcast series, where conversations with professors, alumni and managers about ethical decision making in business and vocation are collected.
Tony Allen developed Greenlight, an innovative automobile monitoring system that alerts vehicle owners when service is needed and connects them with available service providers.
En este episodio, exploraremos el caso de TECHO, una organización que ha adoptado el enfoque de innovación frugal en Latinoamérica, tanto en sus soluciones de vivienda de emergencia como en su mo
Integrated Management: How Sustainability Creates Value for Any Business
Adam Silver faces his first real crisis as commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
Throughout the 20th century, federally subsidized superhighways and mortgage loan programs financed the flight of White residents out of industrial cities like Baltimore and into sprawling new su
Racial disparities in chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes are exacerbated by an uneven distribution of social resources and a lack of trust that stems from the historical exploitation