Author: Marco Tavanti
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Executive Education
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Sustainability Beyond 2030: ​Trajectories and Priorities for Our Sustainable Future 

ABSTRACT (From the Publisher): This book is an indispensable guide to understanding our planet's sustainability past, present, and future. It is a tool for enlightenment, engagement, and empowerment towards shaping a sustainable world as we approach the milestone year of 2030.  Written by renowned sustainability experts, Marco Tavanti and Alfredo Sfeir-Younis, who was a pioneer in the field and participated in the first 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, this book offers an in-depth analysis of critical environmental issues, human development challenges, and the economic complexities of fostering equitable and sustainable growth. In addition to evaluating various pivotal policies and events, by extracting patterns and trajectories that have shaped our present commitments to the 2030 SDGs and the 2050 climate goals, Sustainability Beyond 2030 boldly projects into the future, identifying core priorities likely to guide the global agenda beyond our current commitments. This foresight is coupled with well-informed recommendations, essential for building resilience and fostering future opportunities.
Citation: Tavanti, M., & Sfeir-Younis, A. (2025). Sustainability Beyond 2030: Trajectories and Priorities for Our Sustainable Future. Routledge (Principles of Responsible Management Education PRME Series).    
Link: Taylor and Francis | Routledge Amazon