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The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
Ignatian Pedagogy has not merely survived, but thrived over its 400-plus years of history.
This study assessed the impact of the first package of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (or TRAIN) Law, which includes an increase in petroleum and coal excise taxes, as passed by Co
In response to calls from leaders in Jesuit business education, Accounting faculty from across the globe have joined to reimagine introductory Accounting courses.
Business is a field fraught with ethical and moral land mines.
Mankind faces the challenge of transforming the existing global production, distribution, and consumption system into one that is more just and sustainable and which the Earth’s resources can sup
Mankind faces the challenge of transforming the existing global production/consumption/wealth-distribution system from an unjust, unsustainable one into a more just system which the Earth’s resou