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Alejandro García era un empresario que en 2007 comenzó un negocio de entrenamiento de corredores en Querétaro, México. A inicios de 2016 era su fuente de ingresos más representativa.
Authentic Lyon era una tienda de saldos de ropa ubicada en las Plazas Outlet en Jalisco, México, que luego de tres años de operación seguía generando más gastos que utilidades.
Este caso trata de la decisión que, en junio de 2014, debía tomar Patricia Chicas Sierra, gerente y dueña de la empresa La Ardilla Roja, S.A.S., de importar asadores tipo A de Canadá o Estados Un
A comienzos del año 2014, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Colombia en conjunto con el Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario giraron recursos financieros para la
Global Genes, a patient advocacy group for the rare disease community, must plan for the launch and marketing of Rare X, a new data collection and analysis platform.
On July 3, 2018, bookseller Barnes & Noble released a statement saying that their CEO, Demos Parneros, was terminated, effective immediately, for “violating the company’s policies.” In this a
In 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided 14 7-Eleven stores that subjected about 50 undocumented immigrants to negligent human rights violations.
On August 29, 2018 Eric Bauman, Chairman of the Democratic Party of California sent out a midnight tweet exposing In-N-Out Burger’s donation of $25,000 to the Republican party and called for a na
On September 4, 2018, Nike, Inc. launched a new ad campaign featuring, Colin Kaepernick, a professional athlete with a highly polarizing image.
Three-year old daily deals company Groupon filed for an IPO on June 2, 2011 seeking a valuation of $20 billion.
During a tumultuous time that began at the end of 2009, Perry Yateman of Kraft Foods led her corporate communication team through two multi-billion dollar deals, including the hostile takeover at
A product recall in the fall of 2013 sends Chobani, Inc. scrambling to fix the manufacturing problem, and address a flood of customer concerns.
In late 2013, Barneys New York quickly found itself amidst scandal.
An April 20, 2010 explosion on board the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil-drilling platform killed 11 workers, injured 17 and triggered a leak that spilled more than 206 million gallons of oil over
Luxury automaker BMW monitors a criticism on a popular electro-vehicle blog, following public comments made by its CEO.
Jefferies & Company, the most rapidly growing medium-sized investment bank, quickly became the focus of many ratings agencies upon the collapse of MF Global.
The United States’s second-largest wireless telecommunications provider attempts to create competitive advantage in the marketplace through a $39 billion merger with a top competitor.
On September 16, 2010, amidst a congressional inquiry into numerous product recalls over the past 15 months, Johnson & Johnson’s Chairman of the Consumer Group, Colleen Goggins, announced her
General Motors Corporation, once the largest car manufacturer in the world, is now a cautionary tale for corporate complacency.
On April 9, 2008, Jack Cafferty made comments concerning the United States’ relationship with China.