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This study was set on the premise of a research question that sought to identify the dominant ecological worldviews of Community Resources Management Area (CREMA) leaders and the influences these
Innovation has been at the center of most science policies of the ASEAN countries, driven as they are by a greater concern for the competitive advantages that can come from science and technology
Fishing is considered to be the most important among the many uses of Laguna Lake, the largest lake in the Philippines and second largest in Southeast Asia.
This study investigates how sustainability initiatives in higher education institutions (HEIs) can be assessed.
This article investigates perspectives that have been proposed as reasons both for and against fossil fuel divestment (FFD), paying special attention to the decisions that universities make conce
Universities have a role in changing mindsets toward sustainable development through education, research, and extension work.
As the “trendsetter in education,” the experiments and experiences of Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies Tiruvalla (MACFAST) already show it to be an exceptional model of education, inno
Upland degradation has been a growing concern in the Philippines in the wake of extensive logging and clearing in the 1970s–1980s.
This article examines Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato si’, from the perspective of a spirituality of presence, which it relates to resiliency, or the ability of organizations to respond
In a world greatly in need of healing, today’s leaders acting as shamans could potentially bring the shaman’s ancient wisdom to the effort to create a more sustainable, just, and equitable world.
This study explores a management education model to help integrate sustainable development ideas into university curricula and programs.
Many business schools embrace a mission or purpose to develop leaders with a focus on values and principles.
Entrepreneurship is increasingly being recognized as a significant conduit for bringing about a transformation towards sustainable products and processes.
Sustainable marketing is one of the main challenges facing firms over the next few years because of its potential impact on both the growth of firms and the image of business people, hence the ne
This article discusses ways in which ICTs contribute to several aspects of global sustainability.
Social ventures balance the economic and social dimensions of value creation to alleviate the problems created by shared collective issues.
The call for global sustainability is echoed by societal, environmental, and economic needs across the globe.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help social enterprises and other organizations working on global sustainability issues and in the human development sector in general scale t
Grameen Shakti has mastered the art of rural business. Sixteen years ago, the Bangladesh-based renewable energy company was a pioneer in an unexplored market.
In 2008, the authors of this article developed a “sector strategy” for the Global Social Benefit Incubator (GSBI) at Santa Clara University with the purpose of facilitating collaborative learning