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We are proud to say that the first special issue of the Business Case Journal (BCJ, Volume 31, Issue 2) was published in Winter of 2024.
Case writers typically recognize the importance of opening a case study with a compelling hook that engages the reader.
The ability to tell stories has been identified as a “universal human trait” that exists in various forms within all cultures in the world (Yong, 2017, p. 2).
This article traverses the evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the U.S. general public and focuses on higher education.
The LMU College of Business Administration aims to “advance knowledge and develop business leaders with moral courage and creative confidence to be a force for good in the global community.” This
This paper aims to describe how sustainability can be introduced in a core Operations and Supply Chain Management (SCM) course.
The Global Jesuit Case Series (GJCS) was formally launched in 2015 with the singular goal of establishing a series of real-world business cases, written by executives, educators and entrepreneurs
In Vol 35 (2) we wrote about what we had learned as editors regarding case research, writing, and publishing in this journal.
Diversity and inclusion are important topics for students to consider as part of their educational experience.
Building upon our past “From the Editor” articles that focused on cases in the classroom (Peters, Cellucci, and Ford, 2015; Cellucci, Peters, and Woodruff, 2015), the purpose of this article is t
Thus, for this issue, our “From the Editors” article focuses on points made during the workshops.
In Vol. 33 (1), we focused the discussion on cases in the classroom, and we asserted that cases offer value for student learning (Peters, Cellucci, and Ford, 2015).
Cases in Corporate Ethics 2.3: Sherron Watkins, Vice president and CPA at Enron, found a massive accounting discrepancy at Enron in the year 2001.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 3.1: Nelson Mandela, the freedom fighter who led the emancipation of South Africa from white minority rule, who emerged from 27 years in prison to become South Africa’s
Cases in Corporate Ethics: 3.2: A Life of Struggle: Lakshimi Sahgal's felt the whole freedom struggle had gone wrong. Partition had been a disaster, and the modern pursuit of money had ruined all.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 3.3: Dr.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 4.1: Panama Nature Fresh Pvt. Ltd.: Panama Nature Fresh Pvt. Ltd. was formally incorporated in India in 2013 with a mission of revolutionizing farming in India.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 4.2: Chickens, referred to as “broilers” by the industry, arrive at the grow-out facility where they will spend the next few weeks of their short lives.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 4.3: This case discusses the rationale behind doling out dividends to shareholders at the cost of liquidity and financial robustness.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 5.1: Despite uncertainty and slowdown in the Indian economy, India has recorded sustained growth in merchandise retail during the decade 2002-2012, and is expected to do so i