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We are proud to say that the first special issue of the Business Case Journal (BCJ, Volume 31, Issue 2) was published in Winter of 2024.
The purpose of this study was to identify potential clusters of academic institutions and individuals who are advancing the writing and publication of cases within the Society of Case Research.
In the fall of 2022, Ghana’s Agriculture minister, Owusu Afriyie Akoto (“Akoto”), had a major decision to make.
Case writers typically recognize the importance of opening a case study with a compelling hook that engages the reader.
The ability to tell stories has been identified as a “universal human trait” that exists in various forms within all cultures in the world (Yong, 2017, p. 2).
This article traverses the evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the U.S. general public and focuses on higher education.
Reviewers play a fundamental role in the process of scholarship, but challenges are inherent along the road to possible publication.
Faculty using cases in the classroom want to find the best ways to engage students in critical thinking and problem-solving. Selecting cases to use is an important part of the process.
This study examines character development within the field of case writing. An overview theory on characters within cases is provided.
Many communities in the United States have downtown business districts in need of revitalization. One example of a highly successful revitalization effort is Tupelo, Mississippi.
Pizza originated in seventeenth-century Naples, Italy, where it became a mainstay for the poor.
Destiny or Fate: The GJCS and SCR Perfect Fit
Stellern, M. Rockhurst University
Joseph, J, Lemoyne College
Craig Davis, Ohio University
Two students requested their oral presentations in an Economics class be rescheduled for another day.
Suzie Young was the owner and manager of Young Consulting Inc., a small, marketing services company located in Tampa, Florida.
In Vol 35 (2) we wrote about what we had learned as editors regarding case research, writing, and publishing in this journal.
Diversity and inclusion are important topics for students to consider as part of their educational experience.
By 2011 analysts and journalists were buzzing about why Starbucks had been so timid with its entry into India. After all, Starbucks had over 17,000 stores worldwide in 55 countries.
Building upon our past “From the Editor” articles that focused on cases in the classroom (Peters, Cellucci, and Ford, 2015; Cellucci, Peters, and Woodruff, 2015), the purpose of this article is t
Thus, for this issue, our “From the Editors” article focuses on points made during the workshops.
In 2015, Ohio’s Governor Kasich proposed a budget that would reduce the state’s income tax for both businesses and individual taxpayers.