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We are proud to say that the first special issue of the Business Case Journal (BCJ, Volume 31, Issue 2) was published in Winter of 2024.
The board chair of Le Moyne College, Sharon Kinsman Salmon, faced a leadership crisis when both the president and the provost were offered presidencies elsewhere.
Case writers typically recognize the importance of opening a case study with a compelling hook that engages the reader.
The ability to tell stories has been identified as a “universal human trait” that exists in various forms within all cultures in the world (Yong, 2017, p. 2).
This article traverses the evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the U.S. general public and focuses on higher education.
Rumors were that Genene Jones, a licensed vocational nurse (LVN), might be hurting the pediatric patients at Bexar County Hospital, but Dr. Kathy Holland did not believe it.
For $500 million annually, Facebook contracts Accenture PLC to moderate content that violates its Terms of Service and is not caught by artificial intelligence.
Starbucks Corporation is facing a dilemma with a group of employees in Buffalo, New York attempting to form a union in response to compensation and working conditions.
Untenured faculty member, Raymond Patrick, exited a meeting with Frank Burns, School of Management Assistant Director at Bay State University (BSU). Patrick had now reached a breaking point.
Jada Williamson had been working for Dawson Financial for the past 15 years as Director of Human Resources.
In this article, we present the results of an evaluation of a new paradigm for the undergraduate “Introduction to Management” course.
“Cura personalis” is considered a hallmark of Jesuit education.
Changing the curriculum is not a task that most business schools would call “easy.” Yet curricular revision is more important than ever, as the need for social change — and the need for forward-t
In an attempt to engage Jesuit business school students in transformational learning, Marquette University offers the Applied Global Business Learning (AGBL) Program.
The Norwegian team garnered 39 medals during the Winter 2018 Olympics, more than any other nation in Olympic history.
FullContact was a technology company whose core values included being “awesome with people.” This was reflected in the mission of the business and guided the manner in which the organization stri
The Global Jesuit Case Series (GJCS) was formally launched in 2015 with the singular goal of establishing a series of real-world business cases, written by executives, educators and entrepreneurs
In Vol 35 (2) we wrote about what we had learned as editors regarding case research, writing, and publishing in this journal.
Diversity and inclusion are important topics for students to consider as part of their educational experience.
Building upon our past “From the Editor” articles that focused on cases in the classroom (Peters, Cellucci, and Ford, 2015; Cellucci, Peters, and Woodruff, 2015), the purpose of this article is t