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We are proud to say that the first special issue of the Business Case Journal (BCJ, Volume 31, Issue 2) was published in Winter of 2024.
We are very excited to announce that the response to the special issue has been overwhelming and we ended up with three peer-reviewed cases, one peer-reviewed journal article, and six more invited
The ability to tell stories has been identified as a “universal human trait” that exists in various forms within all cultures in the world (Yong, 2017, p. 2).
This article traverses the evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the U.S. general public and focuses on higher education.
This case is about Land O’Lakes President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Beth Ford and her company’s decision to stop using Mia, a Native American woman, on its butter packaging.
In 1849, parishioners of the Chicago, Illinois, German United Evangelical Reformed Lutheran Church began burying their beloved dead in the adjacent St. Johannes Cemetery.
River Region Animal League, a not-for-profit organization, has experienced tremendous growth during the period covered in the case.
This case involves a dilemma faced by a professor, Dr. Bethany Locasta, in assigning grades to a student, Brock, who departed a study abroad program early because of a family emergency. Dr.
This case concerns a local entrepreneur’s decision to either expand his product line by reselling another company’s product, Nature Safe, or create a new product, Healthy Garden from a mix of Nat
In September of 2016, Heather Bresch, the Chief Executive Officer of Mylan, was called to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, part of the U. S. Congress.