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Teaching Notes
In The Serengeti Rules: The quest to discover how life works and why it matters, Sean B.
Our species faces the greatest challenge it has ever faced: how to transform the currently dominant global producing-distributingconsuming system from one that is destroying the planet’s capacity
One of the many benefits of the first space flights to the moon in the late 1960s were beautiful pictures of planet Earth taken by the astronauts, that blue globe swathed in clouds and floating i
The idea of establishing an IAJBS journal focusing on global sustainability emerged the following year at the end of the 2010 World Forum at Ateneo de Manila University.
A sufficient response to the threats posed by climate change presents a leadership challenge proportional in scale with the urgency and complexity of wartime mobilization.
As Laudato Si’ makes clear, the way we currently produce, distribute, and consume simply cannot continue, and even if it could continue, it is tragically unjust and should be altered.
The following invited essay by Dr. Michael Garanzini, S.J., is based on a talk Fr.
In the spirit of this journal’s invitation to address the questions What’s so?, So what?, and Now what?, this editorial will comment brie"y on possible responses to these three questions—response
The GSBI originated from the observation that technology innovations bene!ting humanity, such as those honored by The Tech Awards program, rarely achieved meaningful scale.
In this article, we discuss the importance of human assets in growing and scaling a social venture in order to achieve its objectives and attain financial sustainability.
The primary purpose of this journal is to help all of us move more rapidly toward a sustainable and socially just world.