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The University of Surrey has filed multiple patents in the United Kingdom on behalf of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Robot, Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified Sentience (DABUS).
An April 20, 2010 explosion on board the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil-drilling platform killed 11 workers, injured 17 and triggered a leak that spilled more than 206 million gallons of oil over
On August 15th 2013, Moritz Erhardt was found dead at his student housing.
On January 16, 2013, Boeing had its newest and most advanced aircraft, the 787 Dreamliner, grounded worldwide due to fires that started in the airplane's batteries.
The world’s largest sports organization, FIFA, is caught in a corruption scandal as the U.S.
Perhaps no brand is more deeply embedded in American culture than that of The Walt Disney Company.