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The year 2020 was arguably one of the most unprecedented years in recent history with a global pandemic that killed millions, alongside a long overdue racial reckoning.
Talon started Bergen House, a craft mead brewery in Connecticut. After surviving the Covid-19 pandemic, he wanted to grow his business.
Peter Lycurgus had an opportunity to invest in Eyefluence, a start-up venture whose eye-tracking technology allowed individuals to operate digitally controlled devices through eye movements.
Nicole Boyd was young and ambitious. Having worked for some of the top consulting firms in the industry, Nicole had a strong background in technology consulting and strategy.
Tony Allen developed Greenlight, an innovative automobile monitoring system that alerts vehicle owners when service is needed and connects them with available service providers.
Many inexperienced people have wrongly assumed that anybody can build a commercial building and that the knowledge, skills, and abilities are easily acquired.
Dean Rolland wanted to mark his tenure with a significant leadership, transforming his university to a waste to energy hub for the surrounding cities and contribute to the sustainability practice
Working in a patriarchal society where girls are considered lower in status and have little or no opportunity to be educated, the Kakenya’s Dream Foundation faces an obstacle to providing educati
Since its founding as three internet genealogy sites in 1996, (Ancestry) evolved as a public and private firm consisting of four product lines, each with different growth potentials
The Joni Rogers-Kante & SeneGence case touches on topics of skyrocketing growth, the operational and leadership shifts that accompany such growth, industry ethics, home-based business, family
Paul Jessup had just met with the technology group that would be operating in the newly spunoff Synenergy.
Hantz Woodlands, LLC, is a startup company, a social enterprise in Detroit, and the world’s largest urban farm.
Tastefully Simple: A New Recipe for Success follows the story of a woman-owned, direct selling organization along its upward trajectory of growth, followed by an 11-year period of declining reven
No business is immune to the massive changes resulting from COVID-19, but leaders who develop an entrepreneurial mindset - from executives to their independent salesforce - prove agile at adaptin
The critical incident considers how innovative business models deployed by new entrants have the potential to serve as agents of disruptive or discontinuous change.
Danny Howard had been a soil-grown farmer who learned the concepts and techniques of aquaponics from a lecture in an agricultural class in his late fifties.
Garthen Leslie was thrust into the public spotlight after inventing a smartphone application that could control and monitor the operation of window air conditioners.
This course gives students the chance to develop their knowledge and thinking about entrepreneurial opportunities by applying marketing concepts to the specific challenges of the small business,
In January 2009, Ed Huegel, owner of InsulTec, a small foam insulation installation company in Alta Vista, Iowa, needed to make a decision. Ed had owned InsulTec for nine years.
The Connie Tang & Princess House case touches on topics of crisis management, community, the direct selling business model, the Hispanic market, leadership, childhood and adult influences and