IHMA is excited to Share on Behalf of Dr. Sandra Waddock:

Call for Initiatives Co-Creating ‘Next Economies’ to Bounce Beyond With Us…
The Bounce Beyond initiative (of which I am a part) is seeking your help in finding initiatives that are attempting to build up new or next economies that aim at a world of flourishing for all people—and of nature. In effect, they are co-creating a new or next emerging economic paradigm. They might be using a variety of names (regenerative, doughnut, degrowth, circular, or sustainable economies, as examples). Such initiatives may be grounded centrally in an issue (e.g., inequality, systemic injustices, or any of the SDGs), reforming a sector (e.g., sustainable seafood, tourism, or agriculture), or regenerating a place (e.g., Costa Rica or the Gulf of Maine). The idea behind them is to bounce beyond the problems and issues associated with today’s economies towards economies that truly serve all of their constituents as well as the natural environment.
Bounce Beyond’s mission is to connect, cohere, and amplify efforts of initiatives that are working to develop regenerative, life-centered economies and bring them into reality at scale. Bounce Beyond has issued a ‘call for self-nominations’ and we are seeking information and self-nomination by any initiatives that might be interested in joining in this work and potentially connecting with like-minded initiatives.
Please feel free to forward this call to any initiatives that you think might be interested. A more complete description and link to the call for nominations can be found here: Bounce Beyond Global Call for Self-Nominations
Many thanks!
Sandra Waddock
Boston College Carroll School of Management
[email protected]

Deadline: June 15, 2021

Humanistic Management
Beyond Bounce
Call for Initiatives