MSR Chair Report


MSR is awarded DIVISION status
It is an honour to confirm that MSR is now a Division of the Academy of the Management, confirmed by the Board of Governors on 22 April 2003. For this achievement, we thank you, the members of MSR. The application for Division status, and our five-year periodic review was a substantive strategic exercise, engaging and involving over 80 members and culminating in nearly 200 pages of evidence. There are too many people to thank individually, from those who participated in our Appreciative Inquiry workshops over the last two years, to the “boat” captains and crews, to our founders, flamekeepers’ and special advisors, to the MSR Executive members, to our thriving Fetzer scholar and PhD scholar communities, and to you for supporting our vision and strategy. MSR is the first new Division of the Academy since 2008 as a result.       
In reviewing proposals for division status, the DIGR Committee of AOM (on behalf of the Governors) assess four elements in line with the AOM guidelines for Interest Group (IG) Application for Division Status. The feedback we received was articulated by the Chair as follows:
1. The intellectual contribution: Through a rigorous bibliometric analysis, the Interest Group demonstrates the journals MSR scholars predominantly publish in are high-impact journals. The corpus of MSR-related journal output is reflected in keywords a potential “MSR corpus” of around 5,000 journal outputs that pertains to business and management.
2. The governance and organization:  The Interest group has a strongly developed governance structure.
3. Strength of program and membership: The membership survey displays high and increasing satisfaction with all program elements [and] the Interest Group has had stable membership over the past five years. 82% of MSR members see the MSR division as either their primary interest group or this group and another group as their main interest group.
4. Clear support for divisional status:  93.5% of the participants in the vote favored seeking division status with a participation rate of 39% of total membership of the MSR Interest Group.
To celebrate our achievements, and to help plan our next steps, please join us in Boston for the MSR Business Meeting, followed by a catered celebratory reception on Monday 7th August beginning at 6pm (venue, Marriott Copley). We would welcome your input to our emerging and exciting strategic plans, and this is an opportunity to not only reflect on our journey to this point, but to be apart of the next part of the adventure!   
In other news, I'm glad to report that the MSR community continues to thrive and highlight the following opportunities, detailed further in this newsletter, to engage with the MSR Division prior to the Annual Meeting in Boston in August:
  • MSR Global Retreat scheduled for 23–25 June
  • Virtual MSR Colloquium on Religions in the age of Technology on July 26/27.
These events play a crucial part in our annual calendar and are a wonderful opportunity to connect with members and refresh old friendships prior to the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting this year is in Boston again, and under the leadership of Joan Marques and Tom Culham, we have an excellent programme across the five days, and I would like to highlight the following “flagship” events: 
Daily: 7am Morning Meditation
MSR Plenary – Saturday 9.30am
MSR & Friends – Sunday 5pm
MSR Business Meeting – Monday 6pm
MSR Celebratory Reception: Monday 7.30pm
Finally, I would like to extend some special thanks:
  • To Judi Neal, Stacey Guenther and the Fetzer Scholar community for being such a vibrant and integral part of our community
  • To Orneita Burton and her leadership of the MSR Promising Dissertation Awards
  • To the MSR Executive (particularly to friends who are stepping down after their term of service) and to the MSR committees for your unparalleled service and dedication.
Looking ahead
Looking ahead, I am pleased to, firstly, welcome the new MSR Executive members, duly elected by you, our members. Please join me in thanking all candidates who stood for election (some very close results), and in welcoming:
Anil – PDW chair (5-year leadership track)
Jeannel – Secretary/archivist
Naida – Representative at Large (Communications)
Renee – Representative at Large (Technology)
Tim – Representative at Large (Research)
Beginning in the MSR Business Meeting in Boston, the MSR Executive is continuing to explore strategic ways to strengthen member engagement, connecting to other AOM DIGs and connecting to practice to maximize our impact. This means revisiting the design & delivery of all MSR activities and reflecting upon new roles which align with these aims. To lead the next steps of our journey, I pass the baton to Julia Storberg-Walker, the incoming MSR Chair, and I hope you will join me in blessing her chairship and committing to redouble our efforts to position MSR as the AOM Division that others wish to emulate.  
I look forward to seeing many of you in Boston,

Nicholas Burton
4 June 2023

Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion

JMSR celebrates its 20-year history in 2023.  This achievement demonstrates its role of the journal in providing a space for scholarship to be developed.  Accordingly, the MSR Interest Group has attained its Divisional status this year, highlighting the importance of MSR scholarship. Here are some best papers:

Best paper award:  Nicole Dillard and Christina M. Walker (2022). Black Mothers at Work: A Contemplative and Anti-Oppressive Approach to Dismantling Workplace Oppression.  Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 19, (2), 97-123.
Most innovative paper award: Maheshwari, A., Werd, M. R., Travis, F., Rainforth, M. & Lipman, J. (2022). Workplace well-being: An experimental investigation into benefits of consciousness-based architecture. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 19 (1), 73-92.  

MSR Promising Dissertation Proposal Award 

Proposals for the 2023 MSR Promising Dissertation Proposal Awards program were invited for submission between February 13th and March 10th of this year.  During this time, we received nine strong submissions to consider for the Dissertation Proposal scholarship. 

The purpose of the Dissertation Award program is to honor and assist doctoral candidates working in the domain of Management, Spirituality, and Religion (MSR) to develop quality dissertations that integrate management with spirituality and/or religion, and reflect novel and significant evidence-based theoretical and/or applied contributions to the field. As an emerging discipline of scholarship within the Academy of Management (AOM), MSR seeks to encourage quality doctoral dissertations as a springboard to ongoing contributory research and inquiry.
Submissions are reviewed based on their alignment with the MSR domain statement:
“The study of the relationship and relevance of spirituality and religion in management and organizations. Major topics include: theoretical advances or empirical evidence about the effectiveness of spiritual or religious principles and practices in management, from approaches represented in the literature including religious ethics, spirituality and work, and spiritual leadership, as well as applications of particular religions, and secular spiritualities to work, management/leadership, organization, and the business system; and evaluation studies of the effectiveness of management approaches that nurture the human spirit in private, non-public or public institutions.”

Judging Criteria
Proposals were judged based on the following general criteria:

  • Topic Appeal - How appealing would this topic be to an MSR audience?
  • Significance to MSR: Does the research align with the MSR domain statement? How relevant and important is the proposed research to advancing MSR research?
  • Management Application: How relevant is the proposed research to management practice?
  • Theoretical Potential: How might this proposed research contribute to theory within the domain of MSR?
  • Research Approach: How appropriate, rigorous and well-conceived is the method or approach used to generate research questions or hypotheses?
  • Writing Style: Is the writing clear, logical, articulate, and scholarly? How well does the submission use appropriate and precise language?

From the nine submissions received, the following three finalists as listed in alphabetical order were selected:
Rebecca Arwine, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee
Dissertation Title: “Accelerating Profits and Prophets: Identity Development in a Faith-Based Entrepreneurial Accelerator”

Linda Brewer, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Dissertation Title: “The lasting legacy of religion: Inequality in the workplace”

Laura Jansen, Antioch University
Dissertation Title: “Mokṣa: The Quest for A Liberating and Humanizing Way of Being”

As required with acceptance of this award, all finalists will attend the required AOM conference sessions in Boston MA and also share their research agenda at the MSR Virtual Research Colloquium in July. We appreciate all the submissions received and the support provided by our reviewers.  We look forward to seeing you at the AOM conference in August.
Orneita Burton, PhD
MSR Dissertation Proposal Awards Program Chair

MSR Fetzer scholarships The Fetzer Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the 2023 recipients of the MSR Fetzer Scholarship. This scholarship, funded by the Fetzer Institute for the past five years, provides for up to $2500 for emerging scholars from around the world to attend the Academy of Management and to be involved in MSR key events. If you see them online or in person in Boston, please congratulate them and ask them about their MSR research.
Mitrajit Biswas, India
Deepa Chaudhary, India
Nishant Garg, India
Alex Fergnani, Singapore
LauraLynn Jansen, Germany
Margot Leger, South Africa
Mobai  Li, France
Prem Sagar Menghwar, Italy
Yanina Rashkova, Italy
Pearl Phaovisaid, United Kingdom
Luis Fernando Ramirez, Colombia
Xiongkai Tan, Netherlands
Emma van den Terrell, Germany
Konstantin Weicht, Taiwan
Marna Rita Yarsi, Indonesia
Tianyuan Yu, Canada
Helen Chung, USA
Ina Gjikondi ,USA
Ileya Grosman, USA
Kunyuan Qiao, USA
Maisha Maurant, USA
Techa smalls-brown, USA
The members of the MSR Scholarship Committee are Judi Neal (Chair), Stacey Guenther (2023 Fetzer Liaison), Stacie Chappell, Julia Storberg-Walker, Richard Major, Sang-won Byun, Siddhartha Saxena.   Research work by MSR members Papers
Allen, S. & Fry, L.  (2022). A Framework for Leader, Spiritual, and Moral Development. Journal of Business Ethics. 
Fry, L. (2022). Spiritual Leadership in the Workplace. In Oxford Bibliographies in Management. Ed. Ricky Griffin. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fry, L. & Vu, M. (2023). Leading without a self: implications for Pseudo-spiritual Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics. 
Kumar, P. (2023). The Pulse of Gen Y in India: An Exploratory Study on Dimensions of Employer Attractiveness. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(4), 627.
Rocha R. & Fry, L. (2023). Mapping the research on spirituality and culture: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. 

  • Gupta, N. & Maheshwari, A. K. (2023). Social Entrepreneurship: Solutions for a Sustainable World. Standard Publishers. Delhi
  • Kumar, P., Culham, T. E., Major, R. J., & Peregoy, R. (Eds.). (2023). Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders: Emotions Connected with Teaching and Learning. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Kumar, P & Eisenberg, J. (Eds.). (2023). Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches to Teaching: Higher Education Lessons in Post-Pandemic Times. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mascarenhas, O., Thakur, M., & Kumar, P (2023 in print) A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics: Recent Conceptualizations of Critical Thinking (Volume 1). Emerald Publishing
  • Maheshwari, A. K., (2023). Data Analytics, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, Noida, India.
  • Maheshwari, A. K. (Ed.). (2023). Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management, Volume 1: Vedic and Other Philosophical Approaches to Oneness and Flourishing. Springer Nature.
  • Maheshwari, A. K. (Ed.). (2023). Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management, Volume 2: Vedic and Other Philosophical Approaches to Oneness and Flourishing. Springer Nature.
  • Neal, J. (Ed.). (2023). Personal, Educational and Organizational Transformation: Leading During Times of Metacrisis. Springer Nature.
  • Sparks, W. L. (2019). Actualized leadership: Meeting your shadow and maximizing your potential. Society for Human Resource Management Press.
Book chapters
  • Goldman Schuyler, K., Watson, L.W., & Wilson, P. (2023).  A world with space for all to be: Generative mindfulness, awareness-based action research, and inclusion. In G. Donnelly  & A. Montuori (Eds.), Routledge handbook for creative futures (pp. 343–353). Routledge.
  • King, J. (2023). Inside job: Exploring meaningful work through creative-spiritual agency. In: J. Marques (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Fulfillment, Wellness, and Personal Growth at Work. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • King, J. (2023). Not over but through: Toward a new model for facilitating organizational transition. In A. K. Maheshwari (Ed.), Consciousness-based leadership and management, volume 2: Organizational and cultural approaches to oneness and flourishing. Palgrave Macmillan.
Call for papers Journals Conferences MSR Colloquium Theme: The Interplay of Artificial Intelligence and Global Consciousness: Implications for Organizations and Society" on July 26-27, 2023 (online). Register at:  

A symposium submitted to MSR has been selected as an All-Academy sponsored symposium. The participating scholars will present their thoughts on:

  • How can we have a HUMAN framework of leadership in the workplace that binds all irrespective of what our personal beliefs are?
  • How can we align and engage each and every employee to work towards a common goal with the same enthusiasm and effort?
  • How can we dig deep into human consciousness and find the common meaning and purpose that puts that human advancement and mutual growth at the forefront? 

Please feel free to share this news blast with associates, friends, and others who may have an interest in MSR.  Also, do share your accomplishments, publications,and other noteworthy activities for possible inclusion in our next newsletter ([email protected]

