
On Oct 29th, Oscar Bulaong, was the guest on teaching teachers to teach values. 

Dr. Oscar Bulaong, Jr. is Executive Director of the Gov. Jose B. Fernandez Jr. Ethics Center at the Graduate School of Business of the Ateneo de Manila University, where he also teaches Leadership and Business Ethics to MBA students.


Oscar shared his thoughts on how to teach ethics using an intervention focus.  Concern is not just what ethical behavior is, but what to do if/when you encounter unethical behavior.  In other words, applying ethics in difficult situations. 
He also discussed the concept of alterity: othering connected.


Full presentation:


  • Book: Thinking in Systems Donella Meadows: - he uses this to help think about organizational systems that either support ethical behavior or discourage it.
  • Article: Whistle-Blowing Methods for Navigating Within and Helping Reform Regulatory Institutions: Richard P. Nielsen, Lakshmi Balachandra and Anna L. Nielsen which talks about 12 different ways one can blow the whistle on unethical behavior.  Helps students think about ways they might intervene if unethical behavior occurs. There are at least 12 ways. 
  • Article: Research on cultures: how to use it in training? Gert Jan Hofstede - uses this to help teach multi-culturalism thorugh a humanistic lens. Specific focus in on teaching people how to navigate differences ethically and effectively. 



ethics education
oscar bulaong
business ethics