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Teaching Notes
Angelo (the protagonist of this case) has agreed to take the lead in finalizing the plans for an event (the Friday Gala) that is being held as part of a college class reunion.
The two founders of League Collegiate Outfitters [League], based in Bridgeport PA, were all-in on their attempt to launch a financially and socially responsible enterprise in El Salvador.
The case presents the history of a group's social enterprises in southern Mexico, which coordinates the coffee chain that has provided an alternative form of economy for the region's indigenous f
Cases in Corporate Ethics 2.3: Sherron Watkins, Vice president and CPA at Enron, found a massive accounting discrepancy at Enron in the year 2001.
Cases in Corporate Ethics 3.1: Nelson Mandela, the freedom fighter who led the emancipation of South Africa from white minority rule, who emerged from 27 years in prison to become South Africa’s
Cases in Corporate Ethics 1.1: The year 2008 will go down in American and global economic history as the worst since 1931.