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James Dolan, chairman and chief executive of Madison Square Garden Entertainment has attracted notoriety by preventing lawyers engaged in litigation against his company from coming into MSG, Radi
Ride-sharing giant Uber Technologies, Inc. has begun using algorithms to employ dynamic pricing strategies, popularly known as surge pricing.
This business school case study explores Microsoft Corporation’s investment in a start-up called OpenAI, along with the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence on the company’s operations and
For $500 million annually, Facebook contracts Accenture PLC to moderate content that violates its Terms of Service and is not caught by artificial intelligence.
After a terrorist attack at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Apple received immense public pressure to comply with the FBI’s request to assist in unlocking the encrypted iPhone of the attacker.
Google subsidiary, YouTube, has collected data of children users without the consent of parents and then sold the data to advertisers.
On January 15, 2012, Zappos, an Amazon subsidiary, was the victim of a purposeful hacking attack.
In the aftermath of the San Bernardino shooting in December 2015, Apple was required by a federal court order to assist the FBI in unlocking the primary suspect’s iPhone 5c.