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Untenured faculty member, Raymond Patrick, exited a meeting with Frank Burns, School of Management Assistant Director at Bay State University (BSU). Patrick had now reached a breaking point.
Jada Williamson had been working for Dawson Financial for the past 15 years as Director of Human Resources.
This decisive critical incident describes events which took place within the community of Ferguson, MO following the shooting of an unarmed African American teenager by a white policy officer tha
This critical incident takes place in the Philippine office of an engineering design consultancy whose parent company is British.
This decision based critical incident describes Sam Cooper’s dilemma of whether to continue working at his family’s business where he had for ten years, or to instead accept an offer to become an
This critical incident concerns a middle aged man employed as an adjunct baking instructor at a small community college who is expecting an advancement to a full time position.
On the flight back to his home station, Captain Jack Thompson pondered his choices. He had to make the decision now because his unit was about to deploy to Afghanistan.