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Teaching Notes
This study assessed the impact of the first package of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (or TRAIN) Law, which includes an increase in petroleum and coal excise taxes, as passed by Co
In response to calls from leaders in Jesuit business education, Accounting faculty from across the globe have joined to reimagine introductory Accounting courses.
We need a new framework for economics that is based on a realistic understanding of human nature and that is grounded in ethics, meaning the concern for human wellbeing.
Healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospitals) contribute to the growth of an economy. In many cases, hospitals are the largest employers in their communities.
This paper is intended to help faculty develop cases that are more than classroom exercises.
Business is a field fraught with ethical and moral land mines.
The purpose of this article is to provide professors and students in Jesuit business schools with the information necessary to justify and use ten principles that continue the distincively Jesuit
On January 7, 2009, Ramalinga Raju resigned as chairman of Satyam Computer Services. This resignation came as a result of the largest corporate fraud in India’s history.
By 2011 analysts and journalists were buzzing about why Starbucks had been so timid with its entry into India. After all, Starbucks had over 17,000 stores worldwide in 55 countries.
Mankind faces the challenge of transforming the existing global production/consumption/wealth-distribution system from an unjust, unsustainable one into a more just system which the Earth’s resou
In 2008, the U.S. fell into the worst recession in decades and the Federal Reserve and the Federal Open Market Committee immediately began work to address the economic issues facing the nation.