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There is mounting evidence that technology and automation are contributing to increasing income inequality.
Privacy is not a new concept and definitions continue to take shape. Generally speaking, privacy refers to the right to be left alone.
Generally, ethical issues involve a choice between value systems -- an individual's, an organization's, and/or society's.
This category is generated from the recognition that there is a great deal of information generated by organizations in the global economy that can be used for the betterment of society.
Algorithmic bias is a term that describes the fact that computer programs that use machine learning can be discriminatory, or unfair.
Angelo (the protagonist of this case) has agreed to take the lead in finalizing the plans for an event (the Friday Gala) that is being held as part of a college class reunion.
Google subsidiary, YouTube, has collected data of children users without the consent of parents and then sold the data to advertisers.
This article discusses ways in which ICTs contribute to several aspects of global sustainability.