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The new CEO of a regional branch of Catholic Charities had been on the job for less than a month when he first interacted with the organization’s Christmas Program.
During a meeting of information security (infosec) experts, Antisnatchor attacked Azeria for tweeting photos of attendees.
Ryan had just moved from Southern California to Kansas and was settling in for his first real winter.
The 416 Fire burned over 50,000 acres near Durango, Colorado in the summer of 2018. The fire caused evacuations. Employees were furloughed.
Hantz Woodlands, LLC, is a startup company, a social enterprise in Detroit, and the world’s largest urban farm.
Most deans, faculty, students, and other stakeholders agree that we need more ethics and social responsibility content in our business school curriculums. That is not news.
This article overviews the potential to employ media in the classroom to enhance learning in economics and finance classes.
All arguments considered, we suggest that expanding the sale of private flood coverage would be welfare enhancing and in the public interest.
Humankind, it can be argued, lives beyond its means and often at the expense of future generations.
Practitioners and researchers struggle with valuing the return on sustainability investment (ROSI).
There is strongly voiced support for the concept of sustainability, despite a di- vergence of opinion on whether it is the natural stock of resources that is to be sustained, the cash flow from t
Review of Business: Interdisciplinary Journal on Risk and Society is published twice a year ISSN: 0034-6454 The Peter J. Tobin College of Business St.
This case requires students to exhibit their ability to effectively communicate and request accounting information as part of an operational audit.
This empirical study of 88 countries explored mathematical relationships between Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.
This study analyzes the role institutions have in shaping incentives within the shark fin market.
An insider is a person that has or had a legitimate right to access computing resources of an organization.
Tourism-based economies throughout the world are experiencing a surge in growth, driven in part by decreases in travel costs, increases in the average time available for leisure, and decreases in
This study provides a data analysis to identify the prevalence of double dipping in the New York State education system.
The Global Jesuit Case Series (GJCS) was formally launched in 2015 with the singular goal of establishing a series of real-world business cases, written by executives, educators and entrepreneurs
Following Mexican President Carlos de Gortari Salinas’ late 1980’s trade liberalization policies, that ignited an onslaught of foreign direct investment and ultimately lead to the passage of NAFT