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Teaching Notes
El profesor del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos, Alfonso Carlos Martínez Estudillo, explica en este vídeo cómo realizar la derivada de las Funciones Potenciales.
El profesor de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Jesús Duarte da varias claves para analizar si el Modelo de Negocio es válido utilizando el método científico.
El profesor de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Jesús Duarte explica en este vídeo qué es un Modelo de Negocio.
El profesor Joaquín García-Tapial explica en este vídeo cómo definir un modelo de negocio de una empresa según el modelo "The Minute Canvas".
El profesor Joaquín García-Tapial explica en este vídeo qué es el Modelo de Negocio de una empresa.
La profesora Mercedes Torres explica en esta píldora formativa de la asignatura "STATISTICS I" qué es una variable y qué tipos de variables podemos analizar.
La profesora del departamento de Gestión Empresarial, Fuensanta Galán, en este vídeo da algunos consejos para preparar un Elevator Pitch.
La profesora del departamento de Gestión Empresarial, Fuensanta Galán, explica en este vídeo cómo hacer una Entrevista de Problema.
Two hundred years ago, 85 percent of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty; today that figure is less than 15 percent (Mackey and Sisodia, 2013).
Editorial The Journal of Jesuit Business Education, Stephen J. Porth, Joan Lee, Paul F.
Demographic and market conditions have resulted in severe shortages of terminal degree-holding candidates for faculty appointments at many AACSB- accredited institutions, including those sponsore
Welcome to Volume 8 of the Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE), the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
In early 2016, the Society of Jesus released a Task Force Report titled, “Justice in the Global Economy.” It was issued by the Secretariats for Social Justice & Ecology and for Higher Educati
This paper presents a challenging and interactive legal, policy, and ethics exercise for business students which engages them to explore “nonmarket” (social, political, and legal) issues related
In 1522, Ignatius Loyola left his home in the Basque region of Spain for a 500 mile trek that included life-changing stops in Montserrat and Manresa.
The goal of this essay is to describe a unique approach to business ethics education pioneered at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management over the last nine years.

This paper aims to present how an MBA Quantitative Methods and Statistical Analysis course could serve as a model of experiential learning for graduate students.
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE).
Faculty at Jesuit institutions may understand the fundamental drivers of a Jesuit education.
In Spring 2015, a three-member team comprised of two business faculty and the Director for the Center for Mission and Identity from a Midwest Jesuit university designed an international immersion