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Roger Redford was intrigued by a story he had just seen on TV about a horse trainer who routinely abused horses to enhance their performance in the show ring.
This case reports, in his own words, the experiences of Javier, a 22 year-old factory worker, reflecting on three separate interpersonal incidents occurring within the past year at his job in a f
Idaho State University Credit Union (ISU CU), despite being a well-managed depository institution, had to deal with the fallout of the worst recession since the Great Depression.
This case involves a situation where the owners of a coffee shop needed to assess the value of the business as one of the owners had found a need to sell off their portion of the business.
Because the Kitty vs Goliath case involves problems with a telecommunications company, students will easily relate to it.
This descriptive case requires students to analyze Rolex Group’s decision to endorse Tiger Woods following his scandal in November, 2009.
As editors, our goal is to facilitate the publishing of interesting and relevant cases that allow for students to evaluate real-world events and experiences.
Over time, each of the editors of the Journal of Case Studies has set a goal to improve the quality of publications produced by the journal.
Cases are real life, true stories. The story is told about a real event in a real organization in a real industry.
Whispering Pines is a not-for-profit retirement home, established in 1927, that never made the transition to a modern nursing home model and now faces occupancy, management, and Board problems.
This case offers students the opportunity to evaluate the response of laptop computer manufacturers to incidents of their batteries overheating and igniting into flames.
Bill Smith was the long-time owner/operator/CEO of Measurement Equipment Supply Company, Inc.
Hammerhead Systems (HS) evolved from the incubator stage inside a venture capitalist (VC) firm.
John Stuve was a professor who had recently moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. John met Steve Finley at a church social event.
This analysis case highlights leadership in critical situations and is an account of Midwestern University’s Foundation.
Joseph (Joe) Christopher was a dedicated and hardworking business professional who was a majority male over 50 year’s old and practiced honesty, integrity, and trust.
This case offers students the opportunity to examine factors contributing to employee resistance to technological change and formulate plans for overcoming this resistance.
Spirit Airlines, known for its low airfare and its controversial promotions, ran a June 2010 web promotion that instructed viewers to “Check Out the Oil on Our Beaches.” The promotion ran only a
Teresa Sullivan had just started her position as President at the University of Virginia (UVA). One of her highest priorities was to decide what to do with Ted Genoways.
A supervisor was asked to meet with the Human Resource Manager in his office.