Business Ethics Reflections Through Poetry, Prose, and Tales

Beverly Kracher, Ph.D.
North America
Ethics & Social Justice
29 pages
creative writing
Business Ethics
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

What do Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post media mogul), 
George Schultz (former US Secretary of State and businessman), 
Sara Blakely (Spanx founder), 
Oprah Winfrey (media mogul), and 
Ray Dalio (founder of Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund) have in common? 

They are all business leaders who practice reflection. 

Reflection is sometimes talked about in the same breath as meditation, contemplation, and discernment. For us, 
reflection is thoughtful consideration about something in the world or something in ourselves. It allows a kind of release that relaxes our mood, improves our creativity, helps us deal with turmoil, helps us find significance and sort through the deepest thoughts about what it means to be human. 

Over these next weeks, let's practice reflection with two specific caveats. 

First, we want to focus on building your reflection muscle on the aspects of business and the workplace that have to do with moral values like honesty, compassion, fairness, and nobility. 

Second, we are going to introduce you to an innovative process to do a contemporary form of business ethics reflection that you can use throughout your career, namely, business ethics reflection through poetry, prose and tales. 

You don't need to already be a poet or a storyteller here, our assignments are meant to work with ideas which are meaningful to you and let you present them in new ways no matter how much experience you have with creative writing. So, ignore what you think creative writing is supposed to be, we're here to make these reflections come out in ways that you, yourself, find insightful and fun. 

Sound good? Then let's go.