26th Annual Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education Meeting

Experience level: 
Intended Audience: 
Timothy Olsen, Gonzaga University, [email protected]

Field Trips: Best Practices for Immersive Learning Experiences in Jesuit Business Education

Immersive Learning Experiences including on-site business visits can play an important role in the professional development of students. Instructors can often find themselves in a new and unfamiliar situation during a field trip. There are several pedagogical uses of field trips such as: sparking curiosity, illustrating theories in practice, learning from the experience of professionals, and material for further class discussion and analysis. Instructors can prepare themselves and students for field trips in different ways depending on the role the experience plays in the curriculum. In this paper we discuss best practices for immersive learning experiences in Jesuit Business Education. We discuss ideas for best practices during the preparation for the visit, the visit itself, and post-visit learning strategies.