26th Annual Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education Meeting

University of San Diego, Knauss School of Business
July 13-16, 2023 | San Diego, California
The Next Quarter Century of Jesuit Business Education:  Looking Forward!
Deadlines for submissions May 5, 2023

As we near completion of the first 25 years of the 21st century, we look forward to what will be the defining characteristics of the next 25 years of Catholic and Jesuit higher education. While we cannot predict the future, we are already aware of trends that are likely to continue into the next 25 years, providing opportunities and challenges. Some issues to consider: changing demographics (e.g., rise of Hispanic-Serving Institutions designation, declining birth rates since the Great Financial Crisis), declining religious identification (e.g., rise of the“Nones"), growing wealth and income inequality, the challenges of funding a private education, and Catholic/Jesuit identity and social issues. 

For more information on our Call For Papers, please click here

To submit your paper, please click here