Ignatian Pedagogy in Quantitative Business Courses: Using Experience and Reflection to Enrich Learning in Data Mining

Kathleen Campbell II Garwood, João Neiva de Figueiredo
Latin & South America
Ethics & Social Justice
Strategy & General Management
14 pages
Ignatian Pedagogy (IP)
Social Justice
quantitative courses
course structure
data mining
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

The use of Ignatian pedagogy (IP) in the business curriculum has been documented extensively for qualitative courses but less so for quantitative courses. This paper contributes to the literature by describing the application of IP in a data-mining course, a course focusing on quantitative analysis and numerical techniques. The paper describes how the IP’s context-experience-reflection-action-evaluation sequence can be especially appropriate for codified-knowledge courses and suggests the use of a term-long social-justice project to enhance student engagement and impact. We provide a detailed description of the application of IP in the course, including the course structure, a social-justice-based project in partnership with Fe y Algeria-Bolivia, student reflections, and suggestions for using IP in quantitative disciplines.