Author: Matt Read
Lecture materials
Marketing & Sales
Strategy & General Management
#creative advertising
Target Audience
Executive Education
Faculty Description

This is a class for students and professionals who need to learn the basics of advertising in general, how it works and the key tenants of building brands. It's designed to be a foundation to other more nuanced skills/classes. This is meant to generate excitement in the audience, and interest for going forward, as well as lay the groundwork for future classes. It's meant to be the gateway drug for advertising.

Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works CC BY-NC-ND

What makes a truly great brand? The type that moves you… Gives you goose bumps, makes you laugh, or makes you cry? That makes you feel something? That makes you develop a relationship with that brand?

This class will give you a clear look into the art, science and practice of advertising. We will explore what effective advertising looks like, how to build it, how to make people emote, and most importantly, make people buy.