Journal Mission

The Business Case Journal was established by the Society for Case Research to publish cases and research related to case writing or teaching with cases. All cases and teaching notes are subject to editorial review, as well as to a triple blind review process. Acceptance rates have recently ranged from 10-12 percent as noted in Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities.



Publication Process

The process for publishing in this journal begins with submitting a case and teaching notes or an article related to case research or case teaching to the editor of the journal. The work is then reviewed by the editor and either sent on for triple-blind peer review or sent back to the authors for further work. If the work is not suitable for publication in the Business Case Journal, it may be rejected at the editorial review stage or anywhere along the review process. 

Submissions are accepted at any time during the year, and the review process may take anywhere from three months to a year. No part of an SCR published case or teaching note may be reproduced by any means or used in any form without written permission of the Society for Case Research.



Types of Cases Accepted

Historically, the Business Case Journal has focused on cases in which the student is placed in the manager's position and asked to make recommendations appropriate to the context of the situation. SCR refers to these as "decision cases." The Journal will also accept case studies. A "case study" is a description of a real situation. Authors must provide sufficient background information so that the student can evaluate how effectively the situation was managed. Teaching notes of these "descriptive" cases will require the student to analyze, assess, evaluate the situation, and determine if there was a more effective way to handle the situation. 

The Business Case Journal has a preference for field-researched cases, but it will also consider cases based on substantial research from secondary sources. The Journal does not accept fictional or synthesized cases. 

Cases or articles that have been published previously or are under review elsewhere will not be reviewed by the Business Case Journal.


Craig Davis

George Whaley

[email protected]