Integrating Moral Theory and Giving Voice to Values Framework into HBR Everest Leadership and Team Simulation Debrief

Elena Lvina
Strategy & General Management
21 pages
moral theory
ethical leadership
teaching notes
HBR Everest
HBR simulation
HBR leadership
Giving Voice to Values
information sharing
information withholding
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Executive Education
Other Audience

This Teaching Note provides business faculty with detailed step-by-step guidance on using the Harvard Everest Leadership and Teams Simulation in teaching and coaching students on the ethical aspects of their leadership and decision making. This document is recommended to be combined with the HBR note when teaching various courses with the Everest simulation. While a comprehensive teaching note accompanies the simulation and is available through HBR, it does not currently address the issues of Ethical Decision Making or Ethical Leadership. This guide provides a roadmap that is intended for the instructors who would like to improve the student experience in this regard. I begin with suggested discussion questions and steps for disciplined evaluation and application of the concepts of rights, utilitarianism, ethical relativism, fairness, and Rawls’s “veil of ignorance”. Then I provide recommendations on enabling students in giving voice to values (Gentile, 2010) and practicing ethical actions. Given that this simulation has won significant awards, is in its third edition and is used globally in five languages, it is reasonable to expect a global outreach and extensive use of this teaching note when it is disseminated by “”. This said, basic principles and approaches outlined in the teaching note can be used independently from the HBR Everest simulation and can serve as a framework for analysis and debrief of other simulations and “survival scenario” type activities focusing on ethical leadership, teamwork and decision making.

Learning Outcomes

This TN aims at satisfying several “hungers” identified by the Inspirational Paradigm. First and foremost, a Hunger for Experiential Learning and A Hunger for a Moral Compass. Simulations are commonly recognized as an experiential learning activity (Kayes, Kayes, & Kolb, 2005) as they represent a unique opportunity not only to learn a concept but also to internalize attitudes and behaviors (Nichols & Wright, 2015). The latter is of a particular importance in developing a moral compass and cura personalis. Furthermore, using team-based simulations allows for even more profound learning, reflective conversations and leadership development (Kayes, Kayes, & Kolb, 2005; Lewin, 1948). As this teaching note can be effectively used in multiple areas of business, it can also satisfy a Hunger for Integrated Knowledge. More specifically, it explains how specific Moral theories can be applied across the subjects typically taught in Business schools such as Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Business Communication, Decision Making, Leadership, and Teams.