
This symposium brings together a panel of experts who have researched the indigenous cultures and embodied ways of learning, to share their work. The earth friendly sustainable practices of these ancient cultures are marginalised and suppressed with a history of colonial invaders dominating the socio-economic norms with their consumeristic and exploitative, and often violent ways of being. Post-covid world needs more sustainable and planet friendly ways of managing. Covid has revealed the many failings of the Western (Eurocentric, British and American) methods of managing. This panel offers exemplars of some of the ways of knowing and being from the indigenous cultural practices, of dance and poetry, and decolonisation of mind and education systems. Management education and research need to elevate these ancient and yet new to management research and education ways of sensemaking.

Managing in Indigenous and Embodied Ways in the Post-Covid World (session 860)

Monday Aug 2, 8am PT - 9:30am PT.