Tiger Woods Now Wears Rolex

Craig Davis (Ohio University) James Kahler (Ohio University) Patrick Moran (Ohio University) Xiyuan Liu (Ohio University)
North America
Marketing & Sales
Strategy & General Management
14 pages
sports marketing
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

This descriptive case requires students to analyze Rolex Group’s decision to endorse Tiger Woods following his scandal in November, 2009. Students who read this case will build confidence in their strategic ability to assess sponsorship opportunities by analyzing the rationale behind Rolex Corporation’s decision using criteria provided in the case. Students formulate an answer to the question, “Does Tiger Woods enhance, diminish or damage the Rolex brand?” The Tiger Woods Now Wears Rolex case may be used in an entry-level strategy, sports marketing, sponsorship, promotion or advertising course at the undergraduate or graduate level. The key topics of this case include: celebrity endorsements and sponsorship.

Learning Outcomes

This case provides students with an introduction to the decision factors required in making sponsorships and celebrity endorsements. After reading this case and answering the questions, students should feel confident in their ability to think through celebrity sponsorship decisions as a marketing executive. In completing this case the student should be able to:

  1. Assess celebrity endorsement and sponsorship as a means of brand promotion.
  2. Strategically evaluate hiring Tiger Woods to promote Rolex.