New Sales Manager Possible Dilemma: Inclusive Title of America, West Michigan

Chet Trybus, Ferris State University
North America
Marketing & Sales
Strategy & General Management
9 pages
Sales Management
Professional Selling
Student Price
Target Audience
Undergraduate Students

Joseph (Joe) Christopher was a dedicated and hardworking business professional who was a majority male over 50 year’s old and practiced honesty, integrity, and trust. Throughout his work life, he consistently demonstrated what it takes to be resilient, focused, and hardy during difficult and challenging times. As Joe continued his journey through Corporate America, he encountered a brand new work challenge. He was put in a position to manage a sales team that had not performed well in the previous three years. What he encountered and overcame were “push-back” from two disgruntled employees who did not get the sales manager’s position. By employing focused strategic and tactical business plans, Joe was able to increase market share by 7%, in a market that witnessed an 18% decline in total business. What followed the next year was not predictable. The company filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. It was sold off to the competition. 

Learning Outcomes
  1. Analyze the case using SWOT Analysis;
  2. Evaluate each of the three basic types of selling models;
  3. Recommend proper course of action to Joe and why it applies.

This decision case may be used in sales management and professional selling courses.