Disgruntled Employee

Neil Tocher, Tyler Burch, Dennis Krumwiede
North America
Strategy & General Management
2 pages
interpersonal communication
Conflict Resolution
social competence
coalition solutions
workplace conflict
Student Price
Target Audience
Undergraduate Students

This decision-based critical incident describes Robert’s dilemma of how to handle a conflict between Dave, a longtime employee of Madison Team Construction (MTC), and Dave’s supervisor John. The conflict emerged when John asked Dave how much MTC would need to pay Dave to get him to quit his job and instead operate his own business as a full-time mechanic. John’s suggestion was intended to help Dave see that all parties might be better off if Dave was running his own business and MTC could contract Dave’s services, but Dave instead felt that he was being asked to resign immediately. The decision was complicated for Robert because Robert and John are both co-owners of the business (as well as brothers), and Dave was possibly their most valued and loyal employee.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Compare interpersonal communication strategies that could be used to avoid and resolve miscommunications.
  2. Contrast conflict resolution strategies that could be used to attempt to resolve the situation.
  3. Explain how to generate and convince various stakeholders to follow coalition (i.e. win-win) solutions.
  4. Explain the influence that social competence may have on neutralizing miscommunications.