Assessing Entrepreneurship Curriculum in Jesuit Higher Education: Step One in Developing a Brand Identity

This research provides a first step in developing an inventory on entrepre- neurship curriculum, pedagogy, and research within the global network of Jesuit universities. In this initial step an international dataset from Jesuit universities is assembled to identify current entrepreneurship curriculum, and respondents’ percep- tions of the distinguishing characteristics of the programs, and the uniqueness of Jesuit entrepreneurship education. This dataset is based on an online survey, completed by deans and program directors of entrepreneurship programs who are participants in the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS). An analysis of the overall themes found in the dataset is presented to identify a starting point for positioning and differentiating Jesuit entrepreneurship education and to begin to understand the extent to which current programs reflect the mission of Jesuit higher education. A thorough understanding of entrepreneurship education, within the context of Jesuit higher education, coupled with the history of the Jesuit interpretation of and approach to entrepreneurship, provides a fertile setting for developing a brand identity for entrepreneurship education in Jesuit universities.