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Purpose As academic programs in data science and analytics continue to proliferate at universities, the question of how to build a strong ethical component into the curriculum is being widely addressed. From requiring a specific course in data ethics to infusing ethical components into various core courses across the curriculum, most program directors would agree that the ethical implications of manipulating big data must be addressed in some form in the curriculum. This paper explores incorporation of an online ethics educational tool, called EthicsGame, that was created in 2005 by a faculty member at a Jesuit university and founding member of CJBE, Catharyn Baird and has been used by over 1500 professors in courses in various disciplines. Approach In this paper, the authors will describe the rationale for using an online gamification tool for the purpose of providing students opportunities to learn and apply ethical decision making techniques to the types of decisions one might experience in the world of big data, artificial intelligence and analytics. The use of the EthicsGame as a simulation and gamification tool in a graduate level Marketing Analytics class will be described, including how a specific module called Hot Topics was incorporated into class discussions, which also incorporated live polling tool PollEV, which allowed students to experience live data analysis and visualization. In addition, we will create a brief student survey about the need and desire for the incorporation of real life ethical situations into traditional syllabi in a data analytics curriculum the be implemented at three different Jesuit business schools: Creighton University, St. Peter's University, and Rockhurst University. Value The paper would provide a framework for incorporating an experiential simulation based tool for infusing ethical modules and activities into data analytics programs and courses to ensure students consider an array of important ethical issues and challenges inherent to the study of analytics, artificial intelligence and data science. It would be useful for faculty, administrators, teaching assistants and researchers, particularly in universities that differentiate themselves as having deep values and traditions, that value the whole human person. Building a meaningful and engaging approach to incorporating ethical components into the curriculum, that can be adapted to specific scenarios data scientists and marketing analysts might face in the real world, across a variety of courses, can help set these types of programs stand apart in Jesuit universities. Preliminary References https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316335707_Applied_Ethics_Game_Design Metcalf, Jacob, Kate Crawford, and Emily F. Keller. 2018. “Pedagogical Approaches to Data Ethics.” Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society. Accessed March 7, 2018. https://bdes.datasociety.net/council-output/pedagogical-approaches-to-data-ethics-2/. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316335707_Applied_Ethics_Game_Design https://www.ethicsgame.com/exec/site/about_us.html
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Matthew J. McCarville DBA(c)-Creighton, Mary Kate Naatus Ph.D-St. Peter's, Myles Gartland Ph.D-Rockhurst